Lou sits down with TJ Laessig (@tjl5124DFS) from the Own the Moment team to talk about their upcoming PFP project, Jolly Jokers. Jolly Jokers is 5,000 NFTs that will live on the Flow blockchain, with the main focus surrounding sports utility and gamification in Web3.
Jolly Joker Links:
📰Jolly Jokers: linktr.ee/jollyjokersnft
🐦 TJ: https://twitter.com/tjl5124DFS
🐦 OTM: https://twitter.com/OwntheMomentNFT
🐦 Lou: https://twitter.com/loudogsherman
🐦 Lucky Trader: https://twitter.com/luckytraderhq
Own The Moment Brings Jolly Jokers to FLOW